Tag Archives: initiators

5.13 Designed to Initiate

Men are physiologically designed to initiate. Every 72 hours, the man has a physical need to empty his semen. Women do not have any type of similar need. Their readiness for sex changes with their reproductive cycle. God made the men the initiators, because we are the leaders of our homes. If you are waiting for your wife to initiate, you are not leading in your family.

For our wives, orgasm is not necessary and frequently not very urgent. It may seem like a twisted joke, but God gave us the urgency for sex so that we would not let the topic go. He created the urgency so that we would be compelled toward physical oneness with our wives. If you have learned to live without sex, you’re not leading. If you are meeting your needs in any other way, you’re not leading.

It stinks to be the leader sometimes, but that’s the way it is. To whom much is given, much is expected. Swallow hard and accept your responsibility as the leader of your family. Initiate.

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Filed under Chapter 4, Nehemiah, sexual purity, Wallbuilder